Tag Archives: Cuba

Attack on Cuban Embassy Reinvigorates U.S.-Cuba Tensions: How are we here again?

By: Arianna Amato In September 2023, an attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C., reinvigorated steadfast emotions and opinions regarding U.S.-Cuba tensions. There is no love lost between nations that lie only ninety miles apart, but this attack is only the latest in a string of events that continue to strain their relationship. As […]

End to Cuban “Wet Foot, Dry Foot Policy”

JORDAN ISICOFF – This week President Obama announced a sea change to the two decades wet foot, dry foot policy promulgated by President Clinton.[1] Over the past 2 decades, Cubans apprehended in international waters were repatriated to Cuba, but Cubans apprehended on dry land, were not repatriated to Cuba. Instead, these Cubans were given the […]

US-Cuba Relations: A Step in the Right Direction

SIMON MORALES – In early June, President Obama restored diplomatic ties between the United States and Cuba.[1] Shortly thereafter, on August 31, 2016, the first flight in over fifty years, landed in Santa Clara, Cuba.[2] A clear win for our foreign relations ties with Cuba. But is it? While many Cubans rejoiced to the idea of […]

Shifting Attitudes: The United States and its Budding Economic Relationship with Cuba

GINA LOREDO – On Monday, March 21, 2016, the entire world witnessed an unprecedented historic event, as United State’s President Barack Obama gathered with Cuban President Raul Castro at the Palace of the Revolution in Havana, Cuba.[1] This makes Obama the first sitting President to visit Cuba in 88 years, since President Calvin Coolidge’s visit […]