Tag Archives: European Union

Breaking Down Big Tech: Antitrust Actions on Two Continents

By: Mica Karanovic The modern era witnesses a concerted effort to rein in the expansive influence wielded by Big Tech, with a particular emphasis on scrutinizing their pivotal roles as gatekeepers of commerce and communication. Traditionally, antitrust regulators focused predominantly on assessing how dominant companies could adversely impact consumers by hiking prices or constraining choices in […]

Global Frameworks and Legal Strategies to Combat Cryptocurrency Scams

By: Jeremy Montoya Cryptocurrency Risks In the wake of the sentencing of Sam Bankman-Fried, ex-CEO of the crypto-exchange FTX, the financial community across the globe is reminded again of the reality of the risks  associated with cryptocurrency. The crypto craze is back and is gearing up to be stronger than it was over two years […]

A New Antitrust Regime: A Look at Merger Reforms in the U.S. and EU

By: Alex Llanos On December 18, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division (“DOJ”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) released their new merger guidelines. These new guidelines signal the U.S.’s shift from a consumer welfare standard, which has historically shaped U.S. Antitrust law, to a standard that seeks to “reflect how modern competition […]

The Wizarding World of Adaptation Rights – Announcement of Harry Potter TV Series

By: Annmarie Machado Warner Bros. announced a new Max Original TV Series coming 2026, based on all seven Harry Potter books written by J.K. Rowling. The project will last for ten consecutive years, debunking the “1 book, 1 season” assertion by fans. The recent announcement of a Harry Potter television series has reignited discussions about the […]