Author Archives: Elizabeth Fata

Shifting Attitudes: The United States and its Budding Economic Relationship with Cuba

GINA LOREDO – On Monday, March 21, 2016, the entire world witnessed an unprecedented historic event, as United State’s President Barack Obama gathered with Cuban President Raul Castro at the Palace of the Revolution in Havana, Cuba.[1] This makes Obama the first sitting President to visit Cuba in 88 years, since President Calvin Coolidge’s visit […]

ICLR Editorial Board Member and 3L/LL.M Student Danielle Gauer Wins Third Place Oral Advocate at the 23rd Annual John R. Brown Admiralty Moot Court Competition

International and Comparative Law Review Editorial Board Member, Danielle Gauer, competed in the 23rd Annual John R. Brown Admiralty Moot Court Competition in San Francisco. This year the competition was Co-Sponsored by The University of San Francisco School of Law, with major funding provided by the Houston law firm of Royston, Rayzor, Vickery & Williams […]