Tag Archives: International Law

Crisis and Compassion: How International Humanitarian Law Applies to the Collapse of Gaza’s Healthcare System

By: Lakshmi Sanmuganathan Amidst Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza, Palestinians continue to bear the brunt of civilian casualties. Since October 2023, more than 29,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed and another 70,000 injured. Further, systematic attacks on hospitals, limited humanitarian access, and blockades on vital medical supplies have significantly hindered the capacity of Gaza’s […]

The Imperative of Recognizing Ecocide: The Role of Consumers and the International Criminal Court in the Anthropocene

By: Lawson Barkley In the face of escalating environmental crises, a need for innovative legal approaches to address the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems has become apparent. Although there are arguments on both sides as to whether or not climate change is indeed real, or caused by human activity, there remains a need to hold accountable […]

The Need for Comprehensive Space Governance in the Age of Space Colonization

By: Gabriela Ibanez From the first steps on the Moon to the far-reaching rover missions charting new territory on Mars, humanity’s space endeavors have broadened our scope of possibilities and ignited a host of political and legal questions on an international scale. This unfolding narrative has given rise to the concept of ‘global space governance,’ […]

Golan v. Saada: the Recent Supreme Court Attempt to Resolve the Tension Between International Child Abduction and Custodial Rights 

By: Jess Hwang October 14, 2022 In 1980, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“Hague Convention”) was adopted in response to international child abductions in custodial disputes. According to Article 1, the convention’s aim was “to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State” […]