Tag Archives: Australia

Link Taxes (Canada’s Version): How the Online News Act Embodies the Struggle to Regulate Media Reliance on Big Tech

By: Michael Borell Digital access to the news has changed more than just availability to willing consumers. Rather than relying on print subscriptions as the main source for revenue, newspapers view digital advertisements and online subscription as the main sources of revenue. The more consumers that access news websites, rather than prints, can lead to […]

Oh-Oh Ozempic: The Issues of Misuse and Counterfeit Drugs and How Countries Are Handling These Trends Internationally

By: Amanda Gomez The new craze in the United States and recently, internationally, is the use of the weight loss drug Ozempic. Anyone, such as influencers, celebrities, or your neighbor, is likely taking Ozempic or a related drug to quickly drop weight without going the natural route of exercise and a healthy diet. Sounds great […]

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Boon or Bane for the Biotech Industry?

BY ELYSSA LUKE – After five years of relatively secret negotiations, 12 Pacific Rim countries signed the world’s largest trade deal on Monday, October 5, 2015.[1] The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement cuts tariffs and fosters trade to boost growth amongst twelve nations already responsible for over 40% of world trade.[2] The agreement encompasses most goods […]