Tag Archives: Venezuela

Easing Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: Chevron’s Limited License to Resume Oil Extraction Operations

By Daphna Jimenez December 16, 2022 Venezuela’s economy has struggled for many years due to its overreliance on its oil industry, which has contributed to astronomically high inflation, mass food shortages and the weakening of Venezuela’s private sector as oil prices declined. In January 2019, the United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s most important global […]

Domestic Deporting: Desantis’ Shipment of Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

By: Lara Kimmel October 5, 2022 This September, Florida Governor Ron Desantis claimed responsibility for transporting approximately 50 Venezuelan migrants—including seven families, with children ranging from 3 to 8 years old—to Martha’s Vineyard, a popular vacation destination in Massachusetts. In order to carry out his plan, Governor Desantis chartered two planes costing $615,000 total—$12,500 per passenger—dipping into the state’s $12 million Covid-19 […]

U.S. Financial Sanctions on Venezuela: Truly Financial or Merely Political?

Maria Corghi – As Venezuela is visibly deviating from a democratic path and is teetering on collapse due to the corruption and gross mismanagement at the hand of its government, President Donald Trump imposed financial sanctions on the country with the promise to inflict economic pain. President Trump signed an executive order on August 25 […]

Venezuela’s Crippling Democracy

Lina Mesa – Venezuela is no stranger to protests. Since 1999, protests against the authoritarian regime are commonplace. However, a protest on April 4th, which quickly escalated to a standoff, can be attributed to a series of events that began unfolding in Venezuela on March 29th. First, Venezuela’s supreme court, which is loyal to the […]