Tag Archives: Obama

Suing Saudi Arabia: Action Brought Under 9/11 Bill

ANDRES ESTRELLA – On Monday March 20, the first lawsuit brought under JASTA—the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act—was filed in a Manhattan court. [1] JASTA is the 9/11 bill allowing families of victims of terrorist attacks to sue state sponsors of terrorism in United States federal courts. Congress passed this bill just before the […]

End to Cuban “Wet Foot, Dry Foot Policy”

JORDAN ISICOFF – This week President Obama announced a sea change to the two decades wet foot, dry foot policy promulgated by President Clinton.[1] Over the past 2 decades, Cubans apprehended in international waters were repatriated to Cuba, but Cubans apprehended on dry land, were not repatriated to Cuba. Instead, these Cubans were given the […]

Passing Gas (oil) With Our Northern Neighbors: The Keystone XL Pipeline Makes An Uncomfortable Comeback

EMMA HOLLOWELL – According to TransCanada, the group which proposed the building of the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL), “KXL represents a safe, reliable, and environmentally sound way to connect the American economy with an abundant North American energy resource produced by a neighbor that shares a commitment to a clean and healthy environment.”[i] That should […]

A Change in the Tide: Obama’s Foreign Policy Goal to Renew Cuban-US Relations Sparks Domestic Challenges

BY MELISSA JORDON – The United States placed an embargo on Cuba in 1961. Over half a century later, on December 17, 2014, President Barack Obama ordered diplomatic relations be opened with Cuba as a result of a prisoner exchange negotiated with Raúl Castro and mediated by Pope Francis.[1] The executive order from the White House […]