Tag Archives: human rights

Ecuador to Mimic El Salvador President’s Human Rights Violations to Combat War on Drugs

By: Arianna Amato             Drugs are widely regarded as a dangerous and dividing threat to society. For over fifty years, the infamous War on Drugs has had far-reaching and long lasting-political, economic, and cultural impacts in order to alleviate that threat. Nations large and small actively participate in a worldwide effort to be tough on […]

UN Sustainable Development Goal Six: Environmental Justice Implications in the Fight for Clean Water

By: Alyssa Huffman Where there is water, there is life. From the proliferation of civilization to the development of new nations, water serves as the foundation of humankind. Today, we recognize water as a human right; beyond that, the United Nations (UN) acknowledges clean water and sanitation as essential to the realization of all human […]

The Escalating Crisis of the Rohingya People of Myanmar

By: Camila Torres Jaramillo March 14, 2023 The Rohingya people of Myanmar have long been subjected to persecution and human rights abuses, which have been widely condemned by the international community.[1] This article will explore the legal implications of the situation in Myanmar, focusing on the human rights violations committed against the Rohingya people. Background The […]

FIFA: The Gift that Keeps on Giving Controversy but not “OneLove”

By: Ann Turner Light December 9, 2022 In 2010, before FIFA’s then President, Sepp Blatter, announced live that Qatar outplayed much worthier contenders for hosting World Cup 2022, Blatter verbally acknowledged the tension of that day; it was apparent from his body language, too. Between his awkwardness and our collective shock over the outcome was this message: the game […]