Tag Archives: Trudeau

From Trump to Trudeau: A Dangerous Precedent in the Use of Emergency Powers

By: Daniel Mantzoor April 6, 2022 On February 14, 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked The Emergencies Act, a last-ditch attempt to quash protests of the Canadian government’s controversial COVID-19 policies. Specifically, the action arose in response to the so-called “Freedom Convoy,” a group of Canadian truckers demanding an end to the nation’s vaccine mandate […]

Passing Gas (oil) With Our Northern Neighbors: The Keystone XL Pipeline Makes An Uncomfortable Comeback

EMMA HOLLOWELL – According to TransCanada, the group which proposed the building of the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL), “KXL represents a safe, reliable, and environmentally sound way to connect the American economy with an abundant North American energy resource produced by a neighbor that shares a commitment to a clean and healthy environment.”[i] That should […]

Trudeau’s Future of the Keystone XL Pipeline? Or America’s Future?

BY GAVIN RYNARD – “I certainly feel that Canada could have taken a different tack towards issues on energy and environment over the past 10 years. That’s certainly what I’m focused on, going forward.”[1] – Justin Trudeau Justin Trudeau, Canada’s newly elected liberal Prime Minister has focused on the environment during his campaign, but has been […]