Tag Archives: Ireland

Behind the Screen: A Comparison of Data Protection Regulations in the EU and US

By: Emily Gross Have you ever felt like your phone was listening to you? Have you ever felt like certain ads were made just for you? This is not the result of actual eavesdropping, but rather it stems from the tracking of your online searches, purchases and location. Behavioral advertising is a powerful tool that […]

I’m a Woman Not a Womb: Texas’ S.B. 8 in the Global Context

By: Alexandra Spaw April 12, 2022 “Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?” The Governor of Texas recently signed into law a statutory scheme that Chief Justice Roberts has described as “not only unusual, but unprecedented.” The Texas Heartbeat Act (“S.B. 8”) has […]

Northern Ireland’s Abortion Law – The Harshest in Europe

BY LAUREN GALLAGHER – “Sometimes it feels like you are in one of those American states on the frontline of the abortion wars such as Texas. I have had to walk the women out through the protests all the way to the railway and bus stations across the road and sometimes into the city centre.” […]