Category Archives: ICLR Posts

What Happens Now that Bitcoin is Legal Tender?

By: Adrian Mosqueda, October 19, 2021 Last month El Salvador became the first country to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender. The decision has faced a wide array of opposing opinions. Supporters identify the benefits such as providing a viable alternative for those that do not have access to traditional banking solutions. However, the decision has […]

The State Secret Privilege vs. The CIA’s Worst Kept Secret

By: Alexandra Spaw, October 17, 2021 Shortly after the nation was rocked by the events of 9/11, Abu Zubaydah was apprehended in Pakistan and became the first prisoner held by the CIA to undergo extensive torture. The George W. Bush administration marked Zubaydah as a top al-Qaeda official, believing him to be Osama bin Laden’s […]

Health and Safety or Money and Livelihood: What to Do When You Can’t Have Both?

By: Mozelle Garcia, October 13, 2021 It will surprise no one to learn that in the Bahamas tourism makes up 50% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is also easy to fathom that countries reliant on tourism have been disproportionately affected by international travel bans.  After Global shutdowns in early 2020, the Bahamas, together with […]

Taking Canada’s Lead to Improve Access to Justice in America

By: Erica Cecilia Adams Three out of four litigants are unrepresented by counsel and eighty-six percent of low-income Americans with a civil legal problem receive inadequate or no legal help. The American Bar Association explains that marginalized groups are often vulnerable to abuses and face significant challenges to realizing their rights, including within the formal […]