Tag Archives: Covid-19

Hope v. Cynicism in Healthcare: Waiving Patent Protections for COVID-19 Vaccines

By: Edgar Cruz April 5, 2022 On February 21, 2022, Dr. Paul Farmer suddenly died of an acute cardiac event. Dr. Farmer was a medical anthropologist who co-founded the Partners in Health (“PIH”) organization in 1987. Through PIH, Dr. Farmer and his teams of local accompagnateurs, expanded access to healthcare in poor and rural communities […]

Travel Restrictions, Vaccine Passports, and Mandates: Is There an International Standard?

Frederick Kushmore III, October 29, 2021 During the Covid-19 Pandemic, countries took various strategies to combat the pandemic. One of the core aspects of this was a ‘lockdown’ where people were to stay at home and travel was restricted around the world. While all nations have public laws, there had not been a major pandemic […]

Health and Safety or Money and Livelihood: What to Do When You Can’t Have Both?

By: Mozelle Garcia, October 13, 2021 It will surprise no one to learn that in the Bahamas tourism makes up 50% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is also easy to fathom that countries reliant on tourism have been disproportionately affected by international travel bans.  After Global shutdowns in early 2020, the Bahamas, together with […]