Category Archives: ICLR Posts

Addressing the Disparity in Climate Change Discussions Between Poor and Rich Countries

By: Savannah Valentine November 8, 2021 Compared to wealthier countries, low-income countries emit far less pollutants. For instance, out of the ten biggest polluters, seven are wealthy countries. In 2021, China, the United States, and Russia together were responsible for emitting 47% of the world’s total greenhouse gasses. Yet, these poorer, developing countries are given […]

Food Sovereignty: A Novel Health Rights Issue?

By: Stacey Shenderov, November 7, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that industrial food systems, reliant on national and international supply chains, are fragile and can lead to further inequalities in local communities. Because millions suffered food scarcity during the COVID-19 pandemic, novel questions of food sovereignty rights have been raised worldwide. On November 2, […]

Why The UN Human Rights Council’s Recent Recognition of a Healthy Environment as a Human Right Is Significant to Climate Change Justice Globally

By: Robert Keilson, November 3, 2022 On October 8th, 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council recognized a “safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment” as a human right for the first time in its history. Proposed by Costa Rica, the Maldives, Slovenia, and Switzerland, Resolution 48/13 was supported by “more than 1,300 civil society organizations […]

The Worldwide Abolition of the Death Penalty

By: Liana Brown, April 25, 2022 Every day, people around the world are executed and sentenced to death as punishment for a variety of crimes – sometimes for acts that arguably should not even be criminalized.[1] However, this soon might change. On October 9th, 2021, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, announced that as part of […]