Tag Archives: United Nations

Facing the Heat: What the Global Stocktake Says About Mitigating Climate Change

By: Alyssa Huffman 2023 marked the hottest year in recorded human history. With the undeniable threat of climate change causing more extreme weather events, sea level rise, and displacement of vulnerable communities, the world must come together to collectively fight against global warming. In 2015, Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change […]

“From Gaza to Global Markets: A Macroscopic View of the Economic Implications of the Middle East Crisis”

By: Jeff Haham Tensions in the Middle East are not a novel topic. The regional conflict has been prevalent throughout international politics, academic literature, and news coverage for the greater part of the past century. Intraregional relationships were exacerbated succeeding Hamas’ October 7th barbaric massacre of over 1,400 Israelis, the largest terrorist attack on the […]

The Imperative of Recognizing Ecocide: The Role of Consumers and the International Criminal Court in the Anthropocene

By: Lawson Barkley In the face of escalating environmental crises, a need for innovative legal approaches to address the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems has become apparent. Although there are arguments on both sides as to whether or not climate change is indeed real, or caused by human activity, there remains a need to hold accountable […]

UN Sustainable Development Goal Six: Environmental Justice Implications in the Fight for Clean Water

By: Alyssa Huffman Where there is water, there is life. From the proliferation of civilization to the development of new nations, water serves as the foundation of humankind. Today, we recognize water as a human right; beyond that, the United Nations (UN) acknowledges clean water and sanitation as essential to the realization of all human […]