Tag Archives: ICC

The Imperative of Recognizing Ecocide: The Role of Consumers and the International Criminal Court in the Anthropocene

By: Lawson Barkley In the face of escalating environmental crises, a need for innovative legal approaches to address the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems has become apparent. Although there are arguments on both sides as to whether or not climate change is indeed real, or caused by human activity, there remains a need to hold accountable […]

International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Putin for the War Crime of Unlawful Deportation of Children

By: Daphna Jimenez April 11, 2023 On March 17th 2023, the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”) issued warrants of arrest in the context of the situation in Ukraine for alleged war crimes involving accusations that Russia has forcibly taken Ukrainian children. The ICC arrest warrants were issued for Russian President Vladimir Putin and for Putin’s commissioner […]

Prosecuting Putin

By: Liana Brown April 25, 2022 There are rules for almost everything, and war is no exception. The rules of war are contained in international laws and agreements, such as the Geneva Conventions. In 1949, following the horrors of the Second World War, world leaders gathered in Switzerland to sign the Geneva Conventions, which were […]