Tag Archives: clean energy

Facing the Heat: What the Global Stocktake Says About Mitigating Climate Change

By: Alyssa Huffman 2023 marked the hottest year in recorded human history. With the undeniable threat of climate change causing more extreme weather events, sea level rise, and displacement of vulnerable communities, the world must come together to collectively fight against global warming. In 2015, Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change […]

American and French Investment in Hydrogen Energy is a Step Forward to Achieving 2050 Net-Zero Emission Goals

By: John Dennis On October 13, 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a seven-billion-dollar investment in the United States’ first clean hydrogen hubs, claiming that these projects will provide new career opportunities and abide by President Biden’s climate change goals. This investment comes after the Department of Energy committed to establishing a twenty-million-dollar fund to help […]