Tag Archives: El Salvador

Ecuador to Mimic El Salvador President’s Human Rights Violations to Combat War on Drugs

By: Arianna Amato             Drugs are widely regarded as a dangerous and dividing threat to society. For over fifty years, the infamous War on Drugs has had far-reaching and long lasting-political, economic, and cultural impacts in order to alleviate that threat. Nations large and small actively participate in a worldwide effort to be tough on […]

I’m a Woman Not a Womb: Texas’ S.B. 8 in the Global Context

By: Alexandra Spaw April 12, 2022 “Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?” The Governor of Texas recently signed into law a statutory scheme that Chief Justice Roberts has described as “not only unusual, but unprecedented.” The Texas Heartbeat Act (“S.B. 8”) has […]

What Happens Now that Bitcoin is Legal Tender?

By: Adrian Mosqueda, October 19, 2021 Last month El Salvador became the first country to recognize Bitcoin as legal tender. The decision has faced a wide array of opposing opinions. Supporters identify the benefits such as providing a viable alternative for those that do not have access to traditional banking solutions. However, the decision has […]