Tag Archives: death penalty

Death Penalty: Will the United States Decline the United Nations’ Approach Once More?

BY ERIKA JENSEN – “… the death penalty in relation to juvenile offenders, confirms that international law concerning the imposition of the death penalty in relation to juveniles clearly establishes that the imposition of the death penalty on persons aged under 18 years at the time of the offence is in contravention of customary international […]

In Light of Reyhaneh Jabbari: Death Penalty – The Most Premeditated of Murders?

BY LAUREN GALLAGHER – “People who are well represented at trial do not get the death penalty…I have yet to see a death case among the dozens coming to the Supreme Court on eve-of-execution stay applications in which the defendant was well represented at trial.” – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg[1] Despite an international campaign urging a reprieve, twenty-six-year-old […]