Tag Archives: Lauren Gallagher

Northern Ireland’s Abortion Law – The Harshest in Europe

BY LAUREN GALLAGHER – “Sometimes it feels like you are in one of those American states on the frontline of the abortion wars such as Texas. I have had to walk the women out through the protests all the way to the railway and bus stations across the road and sometimes into the city centre.” […]

In Light of Reyhaneh Jabbari: Death Penalty – The Most Premeditated of Murders?

BY LAUREN GALLAGHER – “People who are well represented at trial do not get the death penalty…I have yet to see a death case among the dozens coming to the Supreme Court on eve-of-execution stay applications in which the defendant was well represented at trial.” – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg[1] Despite an international campaign urging a reprieve, twenty-six-year-old […]