Author Archives: admin

Double Jeopardy in the Amanda Knox case?

BY PAIGE RIVKIND— On January 20th, an Italian court found Amanda Knox guilty again of the murder of Meredith Kercher. Amanda Knox was first found guilty in 2009 for the murder of Kercher, who was her roommate while studying abroad in Perugia, Italy. She was sentenced to 26 years in prison. On October 3, 2011, her […]

Self-Defense: An Internationally Utilized Justification for Murder

BY KELSEY HAYDEN — The United States has become exceptionally familiar with the first and second-degree murder shield of self-defense. The heavily broadcasted case of George Zimmerman made headlines nationwide in 2013, as the neighborhood watch volunteer escaped second-degree murder charges using a claim of self-defense.[i] Less than one year later, Michael Dunn was charged with first-degree […]

Cruise Ship Conundrum for Foreign Crew Members: The Consequences of H.R. 4005

BY BRETT ROGERS — Introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Congressmen Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Bill Shuster (R-PA), and Nick J. Rahall, II (D-WV)1, the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014– alternatively known as H.R. 4005 – will have a profound effect on the recovery efforts of nonresident aliens employed on foreign […]

Florida’s Getting the Munchies

BY LAUREN ASTIGARRAGA — A divided Supreme Court ruled that the ballot language for the proposed constitutional amendment approving the sale of medical marijuana in Florida met all legal requirements.[1] The amendment will appear on the upcoming November ballot. If at least 60 percent of voters agree, Florida could become the first Southern state to legalize use […]