Tag Archives: visas

Another Day, Another Visa Problem: The European Union Passes Resolution Requiring Americans to Obtain Visas Before Going to Europe

TYLER NEWTON – The European Union raised the stakes during the latest round of the ongoing tit-for-tat battle of visa requirements between the E.U. and the United States. On March 2, 2017, the European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution which would require Americans travelling to the E.U. to obtain a visa before making the trip […]

H-1B Visa: Taking Away Jobs from Americans or Supplementing the Tech Industry?

YASAMAN MOAZAMI – H-1B visas allow companies to hire high-skilled tech workers from abroad.[1] The tech companies are not the only ones looking elsewhere for talent. A variety of companies, from healthcare to media, use H-1B visas to help fill their workforce.[2] There were more than a quarter of a million applicants last year alone.[3] […]