Tag Archives: Hong Kong

Kids These Days: Beijing Struggling with Hong Kong Youth

TYLER NEWTON – Beijing maintains independence is not an option for Hong Kong.[1] But don’t tell that to Hong Kong Separatist movement. Six candidates running under the pro-democracy separatist movement won seats during the September 4th Legislative Council (LegCo) elections.[2] All six of the winning candidates, each under 40 years old—including a 23 year old[3]—were […]

China’s Restrictions on Hong Kong’s Upcoming 2017 Elections and the Human Rights Implications

BY KELLY SHAMI – On August 31, 2014, China passed a set of voting guidelines to be applied to Hong Kong’s upcoming 2017 elections for Chief Executive.[1] One of the most controversial restrictions passed in the bill is the requirement that each candidate be approved by a committee in Beijing before being eligible to run for […]