Tag Archives: Antisemitism

Reactions to October 7, 2023: The Acquiescence of Antisemitism Under a Guise of “Activism.”

By: Stephanie Selva Antisemitism has persisted for centuries, akin to a virus. Antisemitic myths like power, greed, and blood libel continue to propagate through radical and mainstream political movements from across the spectrum. Yet, the threat of antisemitism is often confined to the far-right. This assumption is reinforced by the noticeable increase in white supremacist […]

Antisemitism Around the World: How Social Media and Public Figures Influence Our Perception

By: Talya Pinto February 6, 2023 A terrifying reality for many Jewish people is that Kanye West has more followers on social media than there are Jewish people in the world. There are approximately 15.3 million Jews worldwide. Kanye West has 18.1 million followers on Instagram. Antisemitism is the prejudicial attitude against or hatred of Jews. The manifestation […]