Category Archives: ICLR Posts

The United States Should Follow Canada’s Lead: Re-Adopt the Essential Facilities Doctrine to Regulate the Residential Brokerage Market

By: Wayne Selogy November 14, 2022 In March 2022, The New York Times reported that in December 2021 there were more Realtors than there were homes for sale in the United States. The National Association of Realtors (NAR), the United States’ largest trade group by membership, calls its member real estate agents “Realtors “–denoting  that they are more than […]

Toxic Beauty: The Disparity in the Regulation of Harmful Chemicals in Cosmetics in the U.S. vs. the E.U.

By: Isabelle Nozari November 11, 2022 When we buy personal care products to use in our daily routines, be it caring for our skin, hair, nails, or applying makeup, we assume that the products marketed for such usage are safe. Unfortunately, however, many recent reports have demonstrated that we may be unknowingly exposing ourselves to […]

The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Agreement: Why We in the US Should Care

By: Talya Pinto November 7, 2022 On October 11, 2022, the Governments of Israel and Lebanon announced their decision on a historic agreement to establish a permanent maritime boundary between the two countries. The United States has been mediating this deal for several years, and this breakthrough brings with it the hope of some stability in the […]

Persistent Plastic Pollution: A Global Environmental Injustice

By: Catherine Dremluk November 4, 2022 Plastic pollution presents a complex, transboundary problem that impacts both the natural environment and human populations across the globe. At least 150 million metric tons of plastic are already floating throughout our oceans while plastic production continues to surge. Worse yet, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a staggering increase in pollutionwith the […]