Tag Archives: United Nations

Attack on Cuban Embassy Reinvigorates U.S.-Cuba Tensions: How are we here again?

By: Arianna Amato In September 2023, an attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C., reinvigorated steadfast emotions and opinions regarding U.S.-Cuba tensions. There is no love lost between nations that lie only ninety miles apart, but this attack is only the latest in a string of events that continue to strain their relationship. As […]

The United Nation’s Historic ‘High-Seas’ Treaty

By: Colsen Centner March 30, 2023 On March 4, 2023, member countries of the United Nations made history by agreeing to the first ever treaty protecting the world’s oceans that lie outside of national boundaries. While some may argue that this treaty is a historic accomplishment that should be celebrated, the greater marine biologist community believes it has […]

Gang Violence in Haiti Devastating Society and Humanitarian Efforts

By: Camila Torres Jaramillo October 31, 2022 The United Nations reports that 4.7 million people in Haiti, the poorest of all countries in the Americas, are currently facing acute “catastrophic” hunger.  Gang violence is jeopardizing the safety and welfare of Haitians in the midst of an acute political, economic, and health crisis. In response to international fear, on […]

Russia’s Attacks on Ukraine are a Violation of International Law

By: Miriam Castillo April 21, 2022 Russia’s invasion of Ukraine violates Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter, a central and important tenet of the charter that requires U.N. member states to refrain from the “use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.” Vladimir Putin’s goal was to overrun Ukraine and […]