Category Archives: ICLR Posts

The United States is Far Behind Other Countries on Caregiving Support

In a UNICEF study of the national childcare policies of forty-one countries, the United States ranks next to last. The U.S.’s dismal childcare policy is detrimental to women, specifically those living at the poverty line. Women are traditionally the primary caregivers in their families, so inadequate caregiving support impacts women the most, especially single mothers.

Tax Breaks in Puerto Rico Bring Crypto Enthusiasts, Rising Real Estate Prices, and Political Blowback

A growing number of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and hedge fund investors, sometimes called “crypto colonizers,” have moved to Puerto Rico to take advantage of tax breaks designed to bring outside investors to the island. The increase in wealthy foreigners has raised real estate prices and created a growing discussion on whether this type of investment creates economic development in Puerto Rico.

Climate Change is Global but Judicial Solutions are not

By: Max Matiauda, November 27, 2021 The recent CoP26 climate summit invited substantial criticism by failing to adopt sanctions on, require compensation from, or create liability for major greenhouse gas polluters. This was not for lack of demand, however, as the Least Developed Countries (LDC) and youth groups spent their press conferences describing the mounting […]

The United Kingdom’s Ban on Payment for Order Flow – Bad News Impending for Robinhood and Other Domestic Online Brokerages

By: Evan Dubow, November 15, 2021 “Payment for Order Flow” is the practice of brokerage firms profiting from the routing of customer trades through certain market makers that incentivize the usage of its market by providing monetary commissions to the broker. Online brokerages, such as Robinhood, utilize Payment for Order Flow as its primary means […]