Category Archives: ICLR Posts

Sustainability in Style: The Legal Landscape Shaping the Fashion Industry’s Future

By: Michael Patrick Stuart March 7, 2023 This year, the global fashion industry faces new legislation that may put an end to its long history of self-reporting and self-regulation, especially with regard to its environmental impact. Companies in the fashion industry regularly advertise their commitment to reducing their impact on the planet by using eco-friendly materials, such […]

Moving to the Metaverse: First Trial Held in the Metaverse

By: Marialejandra Portal March 3, 2023 On February 15th of 2023, Colombia’s Magdalena Administrative court made history by holding the first legal trial in the metaverse. The case was a traffic dispute brought by the regional transport union against the police. In the two hour hearing, lawyers and parties put on virtual headsets to participate in the trial […]

The Nguyen Decision: The Landmark Decision Finding South Korea’s Liability of Phong Ni Massacre and its Future Implications in Modern East Asian Politics

By: Jess Hwang February 28, 2023 On February 7th, 2023, the Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of Plaintiff Nguyen Thi Thanh. She claims she is a victim of a massacre in Phong Ni village by South Korean troops in 1968 during the Vietnam War. This ruling imposes several significant future implications for East […]

The Franco-German Council of Ministers Announce the Winterberg Tunnel War Memorial

By: Wayne A. Selogy February 23, 2023 “Everyone was calling for water, but it was in vain. Death laughed at its harvest and Death stood guard on the barricade, so nobody could escape. Some raved about rescue, others for water. One comrade lay on the ground next to me and croaked with a breaking voice […]