Category Archives: ICLR Posts

International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Putin for the War Crime of Unlawful Deportation of Children

By: Daphna Jimenez April 11, 2023 On March 17th 2023, the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”) issued warrants of arrest in the context of the situation in Ukraine for alleged war crimes involving accusations that Russia has forcibly taken Ukrainian children. The ICC arrest warrants were issued for Russian President Vladimir Putin and for Putin’s commissioner […]

ChatGPT Passed the Uniform Bar Examination: Is Artificial Intelligence Smart Enough to be a Lawyer?

By: Lara Kimmel April 7, 2023 In an unprecedented development for artificial intelligence, OpenAI’s newest version of its chatbot, ChatGPT-4, has reached incredible achievements that the earlier versions could not attain – including passing the Uniform Bar Examination in the top 10th percentile. The news has both excited and worried many lawyers, but what does this actually […]

Justice For All: Comparing Protection Against Civil Rights Discrimination in the Netherlands an United States

By: Morgan Comite April 4 2023 On January 17th, the Dutch Senate set forth an amendment to their constitution granting protections against sexuality or disability-based discrimination. The Senate updated their constitution to include that “[a]ll persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances.” Through a lengthy process, 56 out of 68 of the Dutch Senate […]

The United Nation’s Historic ‘High-Seas’ Treaty

By: Colsen Centner March 30, 2023 On March 4, 2023, member countries of the United Nations made history by agreeing to the first ever treaty protecting the world’s oceans that lie outside of national boundaries. While some may argue that this treaty is a historic accomplishment that should be celebrated, the greater marine biologist community believes it has […]