Category Archives: Featured

Global Perspectives on Physician-Assisted Dying Laws

By: Gabriela Ibanez Navigating the realm of end-of-life decisions requires a delicate balance of sensitivity and awareness of the deeply personal nature of such choices, as well as the diverse perspectives surrounding this subject. To ensure clarity throughout this exploration, the terms at hand are defined as follows: “physician-assisted dying” or “assisted dying” refers to […]

Green Ledgers and Climate Accounts: Unveiling the Corporate Climatic Canvas on Both Sides the Atlantic

By: Stephanie Selva The exigency of the climate crisis is underscored by a staggering statistic: a recent study suggests that corporate entities contribute to over 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Amidst the growth of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and investor demands for transparency, governments have begun to take initiatives to hold corporations […]

From Conflict to Courtroom: Unraveling Legal Battles in the Russia-Ukraine War

By: Jaelin Figueroa Russia’s comprehensive invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, marked the onset of a protracted conflict characterized by fierce resistance from Ukrainian defenders, who successfully thwarted attempts by Russian forces to seize control of Kyiv and other pivotal urban centers. Subsequently, Ukrainian forces swiftly launched counteroffensives, significantly impeding the progress of the […]

Facing the Heat: What the Global Stocktake Says About Mitigating Climate Change

By: Alyssa Huffman 2023 marked the hottest year in recorded human history. With the undeniable threat of climate change causing more extreme weather events, sea level rise, and displacement of vulnerable communities, the world must come together to collectively fight against global warming. In 2015, Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change […]